untitled: holy hiatus 7

Thursday | Dydd Iau
May 22 Mai, 4pm/ yp – 10.15pm/ yp

collaborating artists | artistiaid cydweithiol:
movement practitioner/ visual artist Maura Hazelden
singer/ sonic artist Lou Laurens

there is no path; we make the path by walking
Antonio Machado

MauraUntitledThis six-hour performative event explores how liminal space is created, experienced and shared, using repetitions of a phrase of movement and a 13th century song. Each event includes live vocal performance and playback of the previous year’s recording; this process amplifies the acoustic response of the space which slowly overwhelms the earlier recordings to form an extraordinary evolving soundscape.

Maura Hazelden was commissioned by Ruth Jones in 2008 to create a work for Holy Hiatus: a series of artworks and a symposium. In collaboration with Lou Laurens she created untitled: holy hiatus in the newly completed Small World Theatre. untitled: holy hiatus is an annual ritual: this will the seventh event.

The artists are dedicating this year’s event to the memory of John Sharkey in gratitude for his friendship, and his particular contribution to untitled: holy hiatus.

Mae’r perfformiad 6 awr yma yn archwilio sut mae gofod trothwyol yn cael ei greu, ei brofi a’i rannu, trwy ail-adrodd cymal o symudiad a chân o’r 13eg ganrif. Mae pob digwyddiad yn cynnwys perfformiad lleisiol byw ynghyd â recordiad o’r flwyddyn flaenorol; mae’r broses hon yn chwyddo ymateb acwstig y gofod, sy’n raddol fach yn boddi y recordiad cynnar i greu tirlun seiniol rhyfeddol.

Yn 2008, comisiynwyd Maura Hazelden gan Ruth Jones i greu gwaith ar gyfer Holy Hiatus: cyfres o weithiau celf a symposiwm. Ar y cyd â Lou Laurens, fe greodd untitled: holy hiatus o fewn canolfan newydd Theatr Byd Bychan. Mae untitled: holy hiatus yn ddefod flynyddol bellach; hwn fydd y seithfed digwyddiad.

Eleni mae’r artistiaid yn cyflwyno’r digwyddiad er cof am John Sharkey i ddiolch am ei gyfeillgarwch, ac yn arbennig am ei gyfraniad i untitled: holy hiatus.


entrance by donation | mynediad trwy rodd wirfoddol